Trinity GESE Examination Class
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Cambridge ESOL Exam Young Learners English Learners ESOL are designed and administered by the University of Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages (Cambridge ESOL) to evaluate the English level of primary students aged 7 to 12. The tests consist of three levels of assessment: Starters (Level 1), Movers (Level 2) and Flyers (Level 3). Each level has three components: Reading & Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Students will have to complete the tests within 45 to 70 minutes. These tests show how well your child can communicate using English and are useful in helping to plan your child’s future study needs. Features
Schedules & Fees Starters 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00 Movers 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00 Flyers 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00