
通識教育科 (LS)

通識與邏輯 (GEL)


$350 / 每星期兩堂
(邏輯訓練一堂 + 通識教育一堂)
每堂2 小時

** 因課堂時間不能盡錄,敬請致電2772 1478 (鍾太)查詢 **

普通話朗誦班 (PTHS)

$1600 / 8堂


  • 上午9-10
  • 上午10-11

升中面試班 – (PSC)

由於英文中學及直資中學學位求過於供,面試表現已成為學校揀選學生的首要參考因素。為確保子 女能夠入讀心儀的名校,本課程專為小六升中一學生而設,為升中面試作好準備。

** 因課堂時間不能盡錄,敬請致電2772 1478 (鍾太)查詢 **


劍橋小學英語考試班 (ESOL Exam)

Cambridge ESOL Exam Young Learners English Learners ESOL are designed and administered by the University of Cambridge English for Speakers of Other Languages (Cambridge ESOL) to evaluate the English level of primary students aged 7 to 12. The tests consist of three levels of assessment: Starters (Level 1), Movers (Level 2) and Flyers (Level 3). Each level has three components: Reading & Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Students will have to complete the tests within 45 to 70 minutes. These tests show how well your child can communicate using English and are useful in helping to plan your child’s future study needs. Features

  • Cover all the grammar, vocabulary and skills students need in the tests
  • Focus on areas most likely to cause problems for primary students at their respective levels
  • Conduct classes in an English-speaking environment

Schedules & Fees Starters 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00 Movers 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00 Flyers 1.5 hrs x 12 sessions HK$2,100.00


  • 英文辯論班
  • 英文班
  • 中文書法班
  • 普通話班
  • 國畫班


課程介紹 /




課程範圍 /

  1. 名人演說家的風采何在?
  2. 自信心與演說
  3. 身體語言的運用
  4. 演說的稿件與演說背景
  5. 為稿件加入「色彩」
  6. 小組討論與練習

導師 /


費用 /

$225 / 每堂一小時三十分鐘
每週兩堂 / 共十堂

$225 / 每堂一小時三十分鐘
每週一堂 / 共七堂



中六會話班 (SOL)


  •  全期十堂
  • 每堂一小時 : $200.00
  • 每堂一個半小時 : $250.00

** 因課堂時間不能盡錄,敬請致電2772 1478 (鍾太)查詢 **

English Writing and Comprehension (EWC) – (英文寫作理解班)

English Writing and Comprehension (EWC) – (英文寫作理解班)

$ 1,920.00 / 1 lesson per week (1.5 Hrs)/6 lessons

Free: $200 cash coupons for regular course

Group : Primary 34 / Primary 5-6

Participating in English Writing and Comprehension class is certainly the best way to train students’ reading and writing skills. This is generally recognized to be essential for preparation in the Internal Examinations for the purpose of Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) (呈分試) . We therefore strongly recommend students, especially the less capable ones, to join our English Writing and Comprehension course. We aim at training students to become more competitive and creativecandidates in an interesting manner. We will also nurture students to be interested in learning English. They will certainly benefit from the course.

Time Table (14/7/2015  –  22/8/2015)  

開班日期P3-P4 星期     上課時間 課程編號
7: 16,23,308:6,13,20                                        Thur ()  10:30-12:00
開班日期P5-P6 星期     上課時間 課程編號
7: 17,24,318:7,14,21                     Fri (五)  10:30-12:00

本課程由辯論協會主辦    〝其他課程時間,請致電查詢〞          更新日期 :2015年6月4日




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