英文辯論班 – 小學

English Debate (ED) – (英文辯論中學組 / 小學組)

$ 2,400 / 1 lesson per week (1.5 Hrs)( 7 lesson per course + Mock De)

Free: $200 cash coupons for regular course

Participating in English Debate is certainly the best way to train students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Furthermore, critical thinking is also one crucial aspect for the activity. This is generally recognized to be essential for Liberal Studies in the New Senior Secondary curriculum. We therefore strongly recommend students, especially the more outspoken ones, to join our English Debate course. We aim at training students to become more competitive, confident and courteous speakers in an interesting and exciting manner. We will also nurture students to become more aware of current affairs around us. They will certainly benefit from the course

Time Table (14/7/2015  –  31/8/2015)  

程度 開班日期 星期     上課時間 課程編號


Primary 4-5

Primary 5-6

Form 1-2

Form 3-5

Form 5-6

7: 20,27

8: 3,10,17,24



Mon ()

2:00-3:30 ED 01
3:30-5:00 ED 02
5:00-6:30 ED 03
7: 15,22,29

8: 5,12,19,26





2:00-3:30 ED 04
3:30-5:00 ED 05
5:00-6:30 ED 06
7: 17,24,31

8: 7,14,21,28



Fri ()

2:00-3:30 ED 07
3:30-5:00 ED 08
5:00-6:30 ED 09
7: 18,25




Sat ()

9:00-10:30 ED 010
10:30-12:00 ED 011
12:00-1:30 ED 012
2:00-3:30 ED 013
3:30-5:00 CD 014
5:00-6:30 CD 015


本課程由辯論協會主辦       〝其他課程時間,請致電查詢〞           更新日期 :2015年5月5日